5 Ways to Parent Homeschool Teenagers to Keep You Sane

Devise a plan for engaging emotional challenges with your homeschool teenagers. 

Do you know why? So you’re not just reacting. (Not that I would know what I’m talking about…)

PS I’m in the thick of this myself, so I may or may not be researching, devising, experimenting, and experimenting again, with these strategies.

Supporting teenagers

These thoughts can help you create an action plan to engage homeschool teenagers: 

Every homeschool teenagers will all be different. Their temperaments, their relational approaches, their emotional challenges, but we can learn to engage them with basic relational principles.

1. Observe, don’t absorb.

Practice observing your child’s responses.

Just because they act/speak/react a certain way doesn’t mean you have to act/speak/react in kind.

(But if you’re in the beginning stages, expect that it’ll be challenging not to react).

Practice a pause: make your goal to pause, breathe, don’t speak, and don’t say what’s on the forefront of your mind. Practice a pause.

2. Recognize that our triggers signify something WE need to work on in OURSELVES.

Because though we may have grown up, not all of us have entirely grown up, yet.

(PS I know this isn’t fun, but apparently, life is growth. And this is an opportunity to grow up a little more.)

3. Insist on personal boundaries with homeschool teenagers.

“No, you may not speak like that to me.”

(It’s okay to say that to your teen. Who else will help them understand that the way they speak impacts you and impacts those around them?)

all my Wiedrick kiddos

4. Maintain perspective as you move into the new phase of parenting your homeschool teenagers.

Look at the long haul.

You will be with your kiddo for a solid eighteen years.

Presently, they’re young.

They are children (or teens).

They don’t have everything figured out: not how to relate to others, not how to speak kindly, considerately, and respectfully all the time.

Look at your child with a long-term vision, not with magnifying glasses to dissect their present challenges. (But girlfriend, I’m with you, this can be very challenging at the moment.)

5. Review your Homeschool Mama Daily Affirmations.

There is no magic sauce in reading mama affirmations, but when we remind ourselves, again and again (& again), what our goals as homeschool mamas are, we’ll ensure we’re looking at our kids the way we choose to.

Download this PDF and review it regularly, then change them into your own words (that reflect your distinct values).

There’s a lot of mental freedom when we acknowledge that our thoughts affect our approach to our homeschool teenagers, our relationships, and our daily activities as we preplan our intentions toward them.

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help overwhelmed homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life, so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.